Softcover, 21,5 x 27,9 cm
per volume € 48,50
Robert Schleip
Fascia Research I–IV
FASCIA RESEARCH - Basic Science and Implications for Conventional and Complementary Health Care.
Editors: Thomas W. Findley, Robert Schleip et al.
Fascia is the soft tissue component of the connective tissue system that permeates the human body. It forms a whole body continuous three-dimensional matrix of structural support. It interpenetrates and surrounds all organs, muscles, bones and nerve fibers, creating a unique environment for body systems functioning.
There is a substantial body of research on connective tissue generally focused on specialized genetic and molecular aspects of the extracellular matrix. The study of fascia and its function as an organ of support has advanced since the Fascia Research Congresses in 2007, 2009, 2012 and 2015.
The purpose of conference book is to organize relevant information for scientists involved in the research of the body’s connective tissue matrix (fascia) as well as professionals involved in the therapeutic manipulation of this body wide structural fabric. It includes background full text papers from a wide range of journals and abstracts presented at the International Fascia Research Congresses, the most recent one in Washington D.C. in September 2015.
The topics are – among others:
• Fluid Dynamics
• Cytology & Histology
• Mechanotransduction and Biomechanics
• Gross Anatomy
• Surgery and Scars
• Pathology
• Pain and Innervation
• Therapy
• Research Methods, Imaging and Hypotheses
New scientific findings reported at the congresses include:
- Extracellular fluid pressure gradients meaintain function in soft tissues as well as bone
- In vivo tissue streching causes changes in the fibroblast nuclear structure
- Changes in the fibroblast can affect stiffness and viscosity of ceonnective tissue within minutes
- Mechanical forces control embryological development as well as adult cell function
- The structure of extracellular fibers in muscular connective tissue affects its function
- Fascial connection between muscles can be seen in anatomical dissection and in living tissue
- Hyaluronic acid provides a lubricating layer beween muscle and deep fascia
- Connections between a tendon and its sheath move up to 2 centimeters
- Loading and recovery of ceonnctive tissue in tendons and its implications for therapy
- Mechanism of fascial and muscle pain
- Massage activates cellular pathways responsive to mechanical interventions
- Cellular models and direct imaging of tissue effects of clinical interventions
- New imaging techniques of ultrasound and second harmonic generation laser microscopy
- and other topics
The previous conference books for 2007 and 2009 are also available:
Volume I: EURO 48,50 ($ 54,00)
Volume II: EURO 48,50 ($ 54,00)
Volume III: EURO 48,50 ($ 54,00)
Volume IV: EURO 48,50 ($ 54,00)
If you want to buy any of the previous conference books please contact us by email (info@kiener-press.com) or request it in the comment box after you have ordered volume VI.
For more information see https://fasciaresearchsociety.org/