1st English edition
88 pages
approx. 60 drawings
Hardcover, 14,8 x 21 cm, 240 g
ISBN 978-3-948442-32-3
88 pages
approx. 60 drawings
Hardcover, 14,8 x 21 cm, 240 g
ISBN 978-3-948442-32-3
published 11/2022
EUR 19,00 inkl. Mwst.
Hans von Baeyer
The Living Arm
Translated by Brian Freeman’The Living Arm’ is Brian Feeman's translation of a little book von Baeyer wrote in 1930 for the general public, that uses the arm as a paradigm for describing the chains of links in movements of the upper limb and the importance of considering the environment in analysing the actions of muscles, joints, and other tissues in the limb; the illustrations were drawn by Hans von Baeyer’s son Erich (1909–1990).